UPSR round-up: Bleeding wound can't stop boy By : Syed Umar Ariff
Mohamad Rajisli,12, of SRK Seri Suria (1) sharing the joy of obtaining 4As with his father Rajisli Mohamad, 46, and mother Taharah Mustapha, 44. — NST picture by Syamsi Suhaimi.
TANAH MERAH: Mohamad Rajisli could have been one of the top scorers in the Ujian Pencapaian Sekolah Rendah in Kelantan if not for an accident on the second day of the examination.
Despite a nasty cut above his left eye which required medical treatment, he sat for the examination."The doctor had placed a bandage on the wound but it was still bleeding. "The teachers were surprised to see me with cuts and bruises walking into the hall."They were concerned that I would not be able to go through with the examination but I assured them I could.
"I had to wipe the blood constantly with a handkerchief while answering questions." Mohamad of SRK Seri Suria (1) scored four As and a B.Met at the results presentation ceremony at his school here yesterday, he said he could not answer the English paper well due to pain from the eye injury.His father, Rajisli Mohamad, 46, said he was shocked to learn that Mohamad had been involved in an
Nurul Izzati Zulkifle,12, of SRK Suria (1), Tanah Merah in Kelantan is very pleased with her results of 5As. — NST picture by Syamsi Suhaimi. "I thank God that my son did well in the examination although he did not score all As. I know he studied hard for it," said the fireman who is attached to the Tanah Merah fire and rescue department.School principal, Tengku Hamzah Ku Seman, said 106 of 230 UPSR candidates from the school scored five As."The number of those who scored five As has also increased. Last year, 70 out of 250 candidates scored all As." Although an official announcement had yet to be made, it is learnt that SRK Seri Suria (1) has emerged as Kelantan's best rural school in the UPSR examination.More than 30,000 sat for the examination in the state in September.
BERITA HARIAN 16/11/2007
Sekolah terbaik UPSR peringkat Kelantan tahun lalu, SK Suria Satu, Tanah Merah, pula terus cemerlang apabila peratus kelulusannya melonjak kepada 92.2 peratus berbanding 86.6 peratus pada 2006, selain pencapaian semua subjek melebihi 90 peratus.Guru Besarnya, Tengku Hamzah Ku Seman, berkata seramai 106 calon sekolah itu memperoleh 5A, peningkatan sangat memberangsangkan berbanding 70 tahun sebelumnya."Pencapaian ini melepasi sasaran kami 100 calon dapat 5A. Peningkatan berterusan sekolah ini dalam UPSR sejak tiga tahun lalu turut berpunca penganjuran Klinik UPSR."Pendekatan pembelajaran klinik ini bukan saja mudah diikuti, malah berkesan dalam meningkatkan penguasaan kemahiran calon," katanya.
BERITA HARIAN 16/11/2007
Di TANAH MERAH, SK Sri Suria I di sini muncul antara sekolah terbaik di Kelantan dalam UPSR dan 106 daripada 255 muridnya yang menduduki UPSR pada September lalu memperoleh keputusan 5A. Seramai 235 murid lulus dalam semua mata pelajaran dengan peratus kelulusan 92.2 peratus. Guru Besarnya, Tengku Hamzah Ku Seman, berkata pencapaian itu meningkat berbanding tahun lalu apabila hanya 70 murid daripada 255 calon memperoleh 5A.
SINAR HARIAN 19/11/2007
Tanah Merah- Anak Allahyarham Hanipa dapat 5ATANAH MERAH - Meskipun terpaksa melalui saat sukar ketika mengadakan persediaan peperiksaan Ujian Pencapaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR) yang lalu, anak kedua bekas pemain bola sepak Kelantan, Allahyarham Hanipa Che Harun akhirnya berjaya mendapat keputusan cemerlang 5A. Nur Haziqah Hanipa, 12, mengakui, biarpun terpaksa menahan sebak kerana hanya dapat berjumpa ayahnya sekali seminggu kerana dirawat di Hospital Universiti Sains Kubang Kerian, tetapi dia terpaksa tabahkan hatinya itu.
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